OSL Leadership Team

Beverly Graham

Chief Executive Officer


Tom Gray
Chief Operations Officer



Travis Sharpe
Executive Chef


Abid Choudhury
FOOD in MOTION (FIM) Food Recovery and Fleet Director



Kelsyn Graham-Wright
Finance Director


Not Pictured:

Laurel Gray
Administrative director

Tommy Fletcher Executive Sous CHef - Tommy@Oslserves.org

Taran Graham Executive SOus CHef - taran@oslserves.org

Gerald Murphy
Volunteer Coordinator
Safety & Compliance Manager

OSL 2024 Board of Directors

GOVERNING BOARD                                                                                                   

Brian Allen: (Co-Chair)  ATS Automation, CEO

Deborah Jones:  (Co-Chair) Jones Group Advisor - Principle Partner

Michael Chumbley: (Secretary/Treasurer)  Warm Products Inc. President/CEO 

Michael Visaya: University of Washington - UW Advancement - Assistant Vice President, Information Management

Cory Johnson:  Colvin + Hallett, Attorney & Shareholder                             

Jeff Mueller:  Basics Markets, Vice President - Operations

Tatum Spalding:  Erik Mehr and Associates / Tatum Spalding, LLC Marketing Strategist & Real Estate  Broker         

Dale Maynard: Washington Trust, Associate Vice President

Gauri Shrotriya Locker: Office of Attorney General - Assistant Attorney General

Dan Adams: Delve Underground - Board Chair

Matthew Voros: Microsoft , CFO Industry Solutions

Christopher Karp: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Director, Discovery & Translational Sciences

David Mayer: Microsoft - Sr. Business Program Mgr. - Worldwide Incentive Group

Jeremy Palenchar: Orcas Consulting Partners - Founding Partner, CTO